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About Us

Meet the team...

First, let’s start with the fact that is really about you and what led you here. What are your dreams, goals, and ambitions? We want to know you because it is the only way for us to bring value to your home needs. From there we can sort out the why, when, and where of your selling or buying needs.

The LivePlayWNC real estate team is like your favorite grade school coach – part mentor, part educator, part motivator, and always in your corner. We realize there are many options today to buy and sell your home, along with an overwhelming amount of information. Our job is to know your motivations and goals, put a winning playbook together, and go earn a successful outcome so you can focus on what matters to you.

Search online for all the information you want, hire us for the information you need!

Now a brief bit of our story. Ryan and I met after graduating from Clemson University. Although it took years for us to uncover, our paths crossed long before that in North Carolina.

Growing up, I visited my grandparents who retired in Columbus, North Carolina. My family and I would often eat at a popular breakfast spot called Brannon’s – the same spot Ryan also frequented with his family while growing up in the Upstate of South Carolina. Ryan also spent many years helping out in his dad’s business that was off Tunnel Road in Asheville, so we both have great childhood memories from Western North Carolina. Fast forward to two kids later and we now call Hendersonville home.

We love the friendly people, stunning scenery and seasons, unique vibe in every community, and the unbeatable recreational activities that Western North Carolina offers. Give us a call so we can make our home yours too!

Ryan McAbee

Ryan McAbee

“Live where you thrive”

Suzanne McAbee

“Home is…

Homes Sold in 2020

Sales are total lsitings the firm sold in 2020.

Collective Years of Business Experience

Cups of Coffee in a Year

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